Residents at Holmwood Aged Care celebrated the First Birthday of our new wing Townsend this month. With much to celebrate, everyone enjoyed a delicious morning tea birthday party with live entertainment and good old-fashioned fun!
Rachael Beever, Facility Manager, gave a speech and thanked all the residents for entrusting Holmwood to be their home and reflected on the past twelve months’ worth of achievements and special moments.
To celebrate the first of many birthdays we had a special morning tea with a delicious assortment of sandwiches, fruit and cheese plates, homemade tarts and an AMAZING cake made by our in-house catering team.
It was a shame to cut the work of art, but Audrey took the honours in hand as our 70th permanent admission (one of many milestones in the past year)
You can’t have a birthday party without Music! Our residents loved special performer, Steven Gilbert, as we all ate, drank and celebrated.
It’s hard to think it’s already been a year since Townsend opened and what we have achieved and we look forward to not only the next twelve months, but our future as a whole.
To all of our residents who have chosen to make their home here, we thank you for entrusting us with your care and for being on this journey with us; you are our reason for being here, and it is a privilege to be with you in your home.